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Safelog Pilot Logbook Software Pilot-Tell-a-Pilot Pilot Logbook Software


Welcome to the Safelog Pilot Logbook Special Sign-Up Bonus Offer ("Pilot-tell-a-Pilot")!

Our Safelog electronic pilot logbook system works across multiple platforms, including PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad, and Android. Additionally, we have a web-based portal at SafelogWeb.com that you can use to log your flights, generate reports, and much more. If you're already using a different competing or obsolete eLogbook system, don't worry--migrating your data as you upgrade your data to Safelog is fast and easy thanks to our transition service included free with every paid account (see the link for details). We hope to welcome you soon to the family of Safelog users!

Please click the button below to sign up for a free Safelog trial account. After you do so, you can be logging flights using any or all of the Safelog system components (SafelogWeb.com, PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and more) in just moments from now. The trial mode allows you access to almost all Safelog's features, although only for a limited number of flights entries.

If you already know that you're ready to buy a subscription right now (great!), you can also use the link below to sign up or sign in - just go to the checkout screen (available under 'My Account') and you can do this right away and in so doing ensure that you'll get the bonus.

Please remember: it's really important that you click the button below to sign up as this will register you for the bonus offer if and when you decide to upgrade to fully subscribed Safelog account. More information about the bonus program is available further in the sign up process.

Click here to create your FREE Safelog Pilot Logbook trial account right now
and automatically register for the free bonus offer.


Safelog is used by thousands of pilots worldwide (from student through senior airline and military pilots) to keep track of, organize, and present vital flight data, currency, and other vital career information. It's a powerful and flexible system that's inexpensive, easy to use, loaded with features, and works seamlessly across multiple platforms (PC, web, mobile devices, etc.), allowing you to have access to your data where and when you need it. Best of all, you can try it FREE, right now. Pilots in over 100 countries use Safelog, as it is compatible with FAA, EASA (JAR-FCL), Transport Canada, CASA Australia, and most if not all other regulatory systems.

Safelog has become the world's most popular pilot logbook system because it's a great product, sure, but also because pilots have told each other about it through word of mouth. In fact, the link you just clicked on to get to this page is a virtual example of this. In gratitude to our pilot users who tell others about Safelog, we make the following offer: if a pilot (such as yourself, potentially) becomes a Safelog user as a result of being told by a fellow pilot by having followed such a link, we'll give BOTH pilots (you and the Safelog user whose link you clicked on to get here) a special bonus on your Safelog subscription when you sign up. The exact bonus amount varies from a few months to a few years, depending on the subscription purchased.

To register the bonus sign up for a free Safelog trial account by clicking the button above. There is no obligation whatsoever. Your bonus will be applied if and when you decide to upgrade to a full, paid Safelog subscription. If you already have a Safelog trial account, you can also click the button above to sign into it as this will also register you for the bonus program. There is no obligation whatsoever; a Safelog demo account allows you to log a few sample flights to see how the system works.


After you sign up using the button at the top of this page, please feel free to check out the links below:

Safelog Features Include:

Fast and Easy logging of flights, including automated night-time calculation. Legendary ease of use. Highly Customizable fields.
Seamless roster integration for over 500 airlines and operators via our partnership with RosterBuster. Hundreds of reports and analysis options. Highly customizable. Click here to learn more about Safelog's powerful print engines.
FAA Currency Tracking* - CFR 14 (FAR) Part 91, 117, 121 (domestic, international, and small capacity), 135, and more Signature Pad! (select mobile versions, including iPad™/iPhone™ and Android™) - You or your instructor/examiner/etc can digitally sign your flight records right on your mobile device!
Built In Aircraft Types - Thousands of Built-in Aircraft Types Make Data entry easy! FAA Practical Test Readiness Analyzer* - be ready for the examiner - compare your logbook to CFR 14 (FAR) Part 61 and 141 regulations - student pilot through ATP in seconds.
Charts and graphs galore Fully FAR 61.65 and EASA-FCL compatible
Manage Pilot/Medical Certificates and Ratings Automatically generate FAA Form 8710-1 / IACRA*
Native iPhone™, iPad™, Android™ Mac™, and Windows PC versions available. Our apps are fully featured logging environments in their own right, not cut-down "travel companions." Powerful Import Tools to help you get your airline/company roster, CSV/Excel file, and/or third-party eLogbook into Safelog. Support for hundreds of airlines either through our built-in tools or via our link to our partner, RosterBuster.
Built-in LIVE, UPDATED database of over 70,000 airports and landing places (probably most comprehensive airport database on the web - live-linked to PilotNav.com) plus the ability to add your own custom airports and landing sites (such as for glider and helicopter ops) Free, online technical support provided by aviation professionals and an experienced and knowledgeable tech team.
Aircraft and Contact managers. Built in database of 60,000+ aircraft types. Support for flights entered before the digital logbook
The best printing and report options in the business, period, including a great series of highly customizable instrument approach reports. Store photos, journals, comments, notes, and more with flights
Upgrades to the latest and greatest version of our apps is ALWAYS FREE. Hundreds of options for airline pilots, including block/duty times, flight number memory, crew, and more.
Export your data / printouts to PDF™, CSV, Microsoft Word™, Microsoft Excel™, XML, and many other handy formats. Online AND Offline backups to keep you secure. You can even optionally access your logbook on the web via SafelogWeb.com when you're on the road!


Frequently Asked Questions


Who is eligible to receive the extra free subscription as a result of being invited into this system?


Anybody who is not already a user of the Safelog pilot logbook system is eligible to receive a free extension on their initial Safelog subscription as a result of this Pilot-Tell-a-Pilot bonus offer. Existing Safelog users or past Safelog users who want to re-activate lapsed subscriptions are not eligible.


How will I get the bonus subscription?


Your bonus will be applied automatically at the time that you purchase your initial subscription. The exact length of the bonus will be visible to you during the purchase process. You can check the status of your license at any time by looking at the 'My Account' tab/option in either product. Yes, there is a "my account" section even for free trial accounts.


How much does a paid Safelog subscription cost?


The price depends on how long you purchase a subscription for - you get the best deal (lowest average monthly cost) by buying a longer subscription at once. This also gets you the longest and best bonus via this offer. The current subscription prices are listed in the table below. These are the prices for purchasing via SafelogWeb.com - the price may vary if you purchase via a 3rd party app store. Buying via our SafelogWeb.com website will usually be the cheapest for you. The prices listed below do not include applicable VAT or tax and are subject to change and modification without notice. You will always have the full ability to see the final price you will pay before completing your order and we accept payment in most world currencies. As far as our product goes, these prices are all inclusive and include total access to Safelog on all available platforms for the duration of your subscription.

Subscription LengthPrice
1 year (automatic renewal) + bonus!$59.99
1 year + bonus!$69.99
3 years + bonus!$139.99
5 years + bonus!$199.99
10 years + bonus!$399.98

* Lifetime licenses are a stupendously great deal, but due to them being, well, lifetime, there is no bonus possible on top of them.


How much bonus will I get?


The bonus length depends on the length of the subscription you purchase. It varies from a few months to a few years. To see the exact amount, sign up for a trial account USING THE BUTTON ABOVE and then log in to your trial account and click on 'my account.' When you click on the subscription options there, you will see current prices along with a clear indication of the bonus being offered. Apologies that for technical reasons we cannot display it here, but it is quite generous!


I have data in a different eLogbook system. Can I import it into Safelog?


Yes, Absolutely! Transitioning your data from other eLog systems is fast an easy. Each Safelog subscription includes access to our Logbook Transition Service. We've created special tools to allow logbook data from most major (and many minor) competing eLog providers, both existing and obsolete, to be imported into Safelog and have helped thousands of users transition their data into Safelog from less capable and/or more expensive products such as LogbookPro, LogTenPro, and many more (see the link above for details). Additionally, Safelog has a powerful import tools built in to help you get your existing data into Safelog should you be coming to us from a homebrew eLogbook or one of the very very few eLog systems that our transition service does not natively support.